We work with all insurance companies
Our acupuncture treatments re-balance energy, eliminate stress and treat pain.
A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture uses needles, which are inserted into specific points on the body or meridians to help treat pain, manage stress, and rebalance energy flow.
At Ocean ki Health, we are increasingly using acupuncture in our treatment protocols for overall wellness. Our practitioners have been carefully selected based on their extensive experience, credentials, trust, positive outcomes, and ability to understand the body as a whole.
Pain Relief (Back Pain, Sports injuries, Migraines,Neuralgia)
General Well being (Fatigue, Relaxtion, immunity)
Women's Health (Infertililty, menstrual disorder, menopause syndrome)
Psychological factors (Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health)
Internal Medicine (Indigestion, Asthma)
Helps with insomnia
Ease the symptoms of allergies
How can we help YOU?
Packages and My Specializations (Our Services)
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What Patients Say
"The healer you have been looking for
is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"
Yung Pueblo
Clinic location
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